Javier Domínguez is PhD in Geography. He has been working for more than 30 years in the field of Geographic Information Systems, Cartography and Remote Sensing (TIG).
Since 1995 he has been part of CIEMAT, where he works on the integration of renewable energies through the application of TIG. Currently, he is a Senior Scientist at the Department of Energy and head of the Geographic Information Technologies and Renewable Energies Group (gTIGER).
Along with his research work, he regularly collaborates with the Department of Geography of the Complutense University of Madrid and with the Department of Electrical, Electronic, Automatic and Applied Physics Engineering of the ETSIDI of the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Julio Amador, PhD in Industrial Engineering, has been working for more than 30 years in the field of Renewable Energies, especially in Photovoltaic Solar Energy.
Since 1989 professor of the Department of Electrical, Electronic, Automatic and Applied Physics Engineering, of the Higher Technical School of Engineering and Industrial Design (ETSIDI), of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), where he is responsible for the line of research in “Distributed generation and renewable energies” from the Low and High Voltage Networks and Installations Group.
He is the Director of the UPM’s Master’s Degree in Renewable Energies and the Environment. Director of the UPM’s Master’s Degree in Renewable Energies and the Environment. Since 2001, he has coordinated an experimental laboratory for photovoltaic systems located on the terrace of the ETSIDI. Since 1998, it has collaborated with CIEMAT’s Group of Geographical Information Technologies and Renewable Energies (gTIGER).

Ana María Martín, degree in Environmental Sciences from the Alfonso X el Sabio University of Madrid. She is also MsC in Geographic Information Technologies from the Complutense University of Madrid.
. She has worked mainly in the sector of cartography and Geographic Information Systems. Currently, he is part of the Geographical Information Technologies and Renewable Energies Group (gTIGER) of CIEMAT, where he designs models to analyse the use of renewable energy through the application of high-resolution data obtained with remote sensing systems. At present, she develops her PhD Thesis about this subject at the Faculty of Geography of the UCM.

Luis F. Zarzalejo received the B.S. and M. S. degrees in Physics from the Complutense University of Madrid and obtained a PhD in Atomic Physics and Renewable Energy by the same Univesity.
Since February 1994 he joins CIEMAT (Spanish National Center for Energy and Environment Research, www.ciemat.es), working in Solar Passive Systems group till 2000 and Solar Characterization and Measurement group since 2001. From 2006 untill 2010, he was co-responsible of Solar Resource Evaluation activities at CIESOL (Solar Energy Research Center) depends of University of Almería and PSA-CIEMAT.
He has been member of the scientific committees in several international congresses and, since 2012, is member of the board of AEDES (Spanish Association of Solar Energy). He is the co-author of more than 30 chapters in handbooks on solar energy and more than 50 articles in scientific journals.

Nuria Martín Chivelet is PhD in Physics, and since 1989 has developed her professional activity in the Photovoltaic Energy Unit of the Center for Environmental and Technological Energy Research (CIEMAT), belonging since 2011 to the Scale of Tenure Scientists of Research Public Organisms
Her research lines have focused on the study of photovoltaic (PV) modules and systems under real operating conditions, and on building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), having participated in more than 20 related projects, at the European and national level, in 10 as principal investigator (IP).
She coordinates the Photovoltaic Integration Research Group in Buildings of CIEMAT and leads the Spanish participation in Task 15 of the International Energy Agency on BIPV (editions 2015-2018 and 2020-2023), whose activities include the analysis of BIPV module regulations, participation in international BIPV module testing campaigns or the shared coordination of an international BIPV design guide
In the field of standardization, she actively participates in the IEC technical committee TC 82 Solar photovoltaic energy systems, as a member of the photovoltaic module group (WG2) and the terminology group (WG1), in which she leads the Project Team responsible for the elaboration of the photovoltaic terminology document, IEC TS 61836 – Solar photovoltaic energy systems – Terms, definitions and symbols.

José Antonio Ferrer Tévar is responsible for the Research Unit on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, where he develops research projects in the areas of building, and energy efficient cities, promoting the integration of renewable energies and positive energy districts.
He has a PhD Degree at University of Oviedo and a Degree in Physical Sciences at Autonomous University of Madrid.
Miembro de la Comisión Permanente de la Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Eficiencia Energética (PTE-ee), Miembro de la Plataforma Tecnológica de Energía Solar Térmica de baja temperatura (SOLPLAT), Miembro del Grupo de Trabajo de media temperatura de la Plataforma Tecnológica de la Energía Solar de Concentración (Solar Concentra) y Miembro del Consejo Rector de la Plataforma Tecnológica y de Innovación Española en Geotermia (GEOPLAT).
He has developed his professional activity for more than 20 years in the area of R&Di in the energy sector, beginning his activities as a researcher at CIEMAT in 1998. Later he joined the National Center for Renewable Energies (CENER ) as Head of Service in the Department of Bioclimatic Architecture and responsible for the Laboratory for Testing of Solar Thermal Collectors (ENAC accreditation) at CENER from December 2000 to November 2005, date on which he rejoined CIEMAT, and since then he has worked as researcher, head of research group and head of unit. Desde 2010 es miembro del Steering Comitee del JP-Smart Cities, de la Alianza Europea de Investigación en Energía (EERA).

Pablo Fiffe, Industrial Engineer, has been working in the field of Wind Energy and its applications for more than 35 years.
Since 1994 he has been part of CIEMAT. He has participated in multiple national and European technological projects: development of wind pumps and wind turbines, development of kinetic energy stores and the assembly of its complex test infrastructure, seawater desalination systems and lately, for the use of drones in the integration of renewable energies.
He has published articles in scientific-technical journals on wind energy and flywheels, participated in conferences, taught courses in engineering schools, etc.
At present, it develops its activity in the application of Drones in the evaluation of the potential of renewable energies.