GSolarRoof has been linked from its origin to the University and to cooperation in educational programs, our students being a fundamental part in the development of this model.
The Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), through its Department of Electrical, Electronic, Automatic and Applied Physics Engineering, of the Higher Technical School of Engineering and Industrial Design (ETSIDI), has been part of this project since its inception.
Students from many universities and disciplines have participated in the development of gSolarRoof, and especially, the Masters in Renewable Energies and the Environment (UPM) and the Master in Geographic Information Technologies (UCM).
We can consider that gSolarRoof is a choral and multidisciplinary work where the efforts of students, professors and researchers from multiple institutions in addition to CIEMAT are collected. From here we want to acknowledge their important work and encourage new students to join our team.

The ERMA MsC in Renewable Energies and the Environment
The ERMA MsC in Renewable Energies and the Environment of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) is a Master’s Degree in engineering applied to projects and processes. For each of the renewable energies, the energy resource is determined, the optimum components and systems are analysed according to the application and the energy produced, the economic profitability and environmental and legal viability are established.
The academic programme of the ERMA Master’s considers all commercial renewable energies, energy efficiency and environmental methodologies, using the main tools, techniques and software used by companies in the sector. Its teaching staff includes professionals and researchers from the most important companies and national research centres in the sector, where students carry out professional internships.
The technical level of the contents, the experimental developments proposed and the methodological approach of the ERMA Master’s allow graduates to have the capacity to innovate, put into practice, develop and apply advanced solutions in the emerging and multidisciplinary environments of renewable energies.
The Master’s Degree in Geographic Information Technologies (GIT)
MTIG. The Master’s Degree in Geographic Information Technologies (GIT) at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) is aimed at qualifying students for their work as experts in Geographic Information Technologies and/or geographic information experts, both in the world of business and in the world of public administration. It is a Master’s with a professional character, but it also provides the necessary preparation to be able to orientate the student’s future towards research, so that after completing the Master’s it is possible to continue with Doctorate studies. In this sense, since its implementation in the 2010-2011 academic year, CIEMAT has been welcoming students for external internships, some of which have even led to doctoral studies.
The profile of the students, who can access the studies of the GIT Master’s Degree at the UCM, is very varied, with a predominance of graduates with academic training in the study of territory, such as graduates in Geography, in Geography and Territorial Planning and/or Management, in Environmental Sciences, in Geology, in Biology, in Archaeology, in Architecture, in Economic Sciences, in Sociology, in Information Sciences, as well as graduates in Forestry and Environmental Engineering, in Geodesy, Topography and Cartography (or Geomatics), in Geospatial Information Technology Engineering, in Agricultural Engineering, in Agricultural Engineering and Science, in Agro-Environmental Engineering, in Environmental Technology Engineering, etc.
Theses related to gSolarRoof
Félix de Jesús Segura Muñoz.
PhD in Physics.
Geomodelling with Geographic Information Systems applied to distributed generation and self-consumption with renewable energies.
Direction: Carlos Armenta Deu & Javier Domínguez.
Ana Martín Ávila.
PhD in Geography, UCM:
High Resolution Remote Sensors for the Analysis of the Renewable Potential in Urban Environments.
Direction: Javier Domínguez.
Sande García G. (2017),
Estimación del potencial fotovoltaico para autoconsumo de los edificios públicos de Alpedrete mediante PVsyst,
en Tesis Master ERMA, UPM: 131.

Duo Almandoz, I. (2016).
Validación del estudio del potencial fotovoltaico en Miraflores de la Sierra mediante el programa PVsyst,
en Tesis Master, ERMA. UPM.

Jorge Alberto González Sánchez (2016),
Development of a solar thermal tool for the gSolarRoof model to estimate the potential thermal energy generation for space and water heating,

Berdugo Zamora, A. (2015).
Estudio del potencial fotovoltaico en Miraflores de la Sierra mediante TIG.
Análisis y publicación de resultados, in MsC Master Thesis, MTIG. UCM.: 78.

Verso, A. (2014).
GIS-based method to evaluate the photovoltaic potential in the urban environments: the particular case of Miraflores de la Sierra,
en Tesis Master ERMA. UPM.: 114.

García Domínguez, B. (2014).
Localización Óptima de Paneles Solares en Tejados Mediante AUV,
in MsC Master Thesis, MTIG. UCM.: 55.

Ullah, Safayet (2013).
Characterization of PV technology over roofs and their constraints for a geographical analysis,
en EIT KIC InnoEnergy Master’s Programme: Renewable Energy – RENE: 44

Contact us if you want to cooperate in our project, need more information or any management on thesis, etc.