It puts within everyone’s reach the ability to know with great accuracy the solar potential of the houses of this municipality.
Miraflores de la Sierra is a small village located on the southern slopes of the Sierra del Guadarrama (Madrid, Spain). The great interest of its population and municipal authorities in renewable energies led to its election as a pilot municipality for the development, implementation and validation of gSolarRoof.
GSolarRoof comes from the collaboration between UPM and CIEMAT with the aim of making available to everyone the ability to know with great accuracy the solar potential of homes, industrial parks, schools, hospitals, shopping centers… That is, to see how we can integrate solar energy in our daily activities.

Integrating solar energy into our daily activities.

The first result of this project was the design and validation of the gSolarRoof model, demonstrating the great interest and value of combining high-resolution urban data with Geographic Information Systems.
At the time of the study, a total of 2849 buildings (mainly houses) were analyzed, of which more than 90% met the conditions for the harnessing of solar energy using approximately one third of the built surface. With this available surface area, the municipality could generate around 80% of its electricity demand, according to the efficiency of the modules available at the time.
The results were presented in the plenary salon of the Miraflores Town Hall, with great interest from both the municipal authorities and the inhabitants of the town and of the county. The event had a great media repercussion.

No. of buildings analyzed |
2.849 |
No. of suitable buildings |
2.611 |
Annual solar irradiation |
357.447 MWh |
Total area |
4.219.295 m2 |
Built |
382.683 m2 |
Available |
111.770 m2 |
POWER (kWp) |
ENERGY (MWh/year) |
Si-monocrystalline |
17.883 |
16.677 |
84 |
Si-multicrystalline |
16.765 |
15.634 |
79 |
12.294 |
11.465 |
58 |
CdTe |
11.735 |
10.944 |
55 |
Amorphous silicon |
6.706 |
6.253 |
31 |

Martín, A., Domínguez. J. and Amador, J. (2016).
“Evaluación del potencial fotovoltaico de Miraflores de la Sierra (Madrid) mediante tecnologías de la información geográfica.”
FuturENERGY. Eficiencia, Proyectos y Actualidad Energética(27): 4.

The International Energy and Environment Fair (GENERA), in its 2016 edition, recognized the gSolarRoof project by inviting it to participate in its INNOVATION GALLERY.
“The Gallery presented in its eighth call a total of 18 projects selected for their technological and innovative component and for their contribution to the improvement of energy efficiency, sustainability and environmental protection. This initiative is aimed at supporting the scientific and technological research work carried out by public and private organizations and the innovative activity of companies in the sector.”

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